The distribution of all the water on the earth’s surface is not even. Some places have lots of fresh water (rivers, lakes, lagoons, ponds etc.) and are continuously
replenished by rainfall, runoffs and water from underground. Others places too are known to have very little water.
Therefore, if a region that has lots of rainfall, goes for a couple of weeks without rains, and people, animals and plants begin to experience a bit of dryness, it can be called drought. At the
same time, that condition may be very normal for places with no water, and can go for months without any rains with little problems.
Why is this happening?
Forests (trees) play a key role in the water cycle, as they help reduce
evaporation, store water and also contribute to atmospheric moisture in the form of transpiration. This means, cutting down trees (deforestation) in the name of economics, will expose surface water to more evaporation. It will also reduce the
ability of the ground to hold water and make it easier for desertification to occur. It can set off drying conditions, especially for smaller water bodies.
What happens when it doesn't rain in a long time?